Old school vans

We have a feeling that we need to write this article to put our thoughts on the paper. We also believe that it will help you to understand dear customers, either you should rent an old school van or not.

We are now renting VW buses eight years in a row and it is hard to find a better guru than the van itself. Therefore, what did we learn from it in all this time?

System nowadays managed to convince us that the most important things are growth, work and productivity. Consequently we are all speeding up, racing towards WHERE? While we are racing towards our end, life is passing by. All we are interested in is our goal and when we achieve it, we find another one. Never happy, never 100% satisfied.

When you sit in old WV bus, you are forced to slow down, take regional road and drive around 90 km’s per hour. It is weird at the beginning but when you get used to it, tension and stress slowly goes away. You start to enjoy in lower tempo. That is what we all deserve. You finally have time to observe the surroundings, wave to people, pick up hitchhikers and socialize.

You are also finally able to feel destinations, not only see it as you first planned.

John Lennon once said: “Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans”.

Life is not rationally planned schedule. It is an organic process, full of unexpected, beautiful and less beautiful events. The more precisely you plan, the more chances things will not go by your plan. And if they don’t go by the plan frustrations, panic and anger come.

By renting an old school camper van you have to realize that chances of something not going by your plan is higher than when renting a new one. When something breaks down, we are here to find the best solution for you. In the mean while go for a lunch, meet people, feel the moment and go outside of your comfortable zone. The best moments on road trips always happened to us when the van broke down. From tears, when people fixed it and did not charge a single €, from invitations to their homes, from local food made by the wife of mechanic while we waited. All these helped us believe in humans again and we became a better people too.

It is amazing that you can rent a 40-year-old school bus and drive down to Istanbul isn’t it? If we are gentle with things and not spoiled about the luxury, we can repair them instead of throwing them away. Our vans keep so many happy moments captured in their seats, doors and windows that they make you happy first second you sit inside of them. If we won’t stop buying things with no specific reasons we will use all Planet natural resources in a record time. And then do what? Move to Mars?

This project is the best thing that happened to us and we love to see the effect it has on you, when you return from the trip. We promise we will always do our best to keep you happy and your trip going. If you understand what we are writing about in this article than road trip with an old school bus is something you will absolutely love in every aspect of it!
